Welcome to the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) of the University of Zaragoza.

One of the key features of the Science of the 21st Century is its inter and multidisciplinary nature. When the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) was founded in 2002, we had this breakthrough idea in mind: to create an environment in which scientists with diverse backgrounds and expertises could tackle, using Mathematics, Computation and biological insights challenging problems at the interface of Physics, Biology and other scientific disciplines.

We are proud to say that our main foundational objective has been successfully achieved and that nowadays, at BIFI, we study different complex systems that range from the structure and the dynamics of large-scale social systems to diverse problems related to cellular and molecular Biology, protein networks and the spreading of diseases. Our researches combine theory, numerical simulations and experimentation in an attempt to solve specific issues with important societal impacts such as the design of new drugs and a better understanding of social collective phenomena.

BIFI’s objectives remain essentially the same we had in 2002: to achieve research excellence, to transfer the acquired knowledge, to promote innovation and to train a new generation of young scientists in the use of techniques and methods of different disciplines. Moreover, BIFI fosters an open and innovative scientific culture as well as the development of a wide network of collaborations with prestigious groups, companies and institutions at national and international levels.

If you think we can work together in any of these objectives, please, do not hesitate to contact us.


Yamir Moreno
BIFI Director
Head of the Complex Systems & Networks Group (COSNET)

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