The MOSBRI International Consortium held its second scientific congress in Zaragoza, Spain.

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The MOSBRI International Consortium held its second scientific congress in Zaragoza, Spain.

The international consortium MOSBRI held its second scientific congress in Zaragoza on June 5-7. This event, organized by the University of Zaragoza, took place in the Patio de la Infanta of the IberCaja Foundation and brought together 170 researchers in the area of molecular biophysics.

The 2nd MOSBRI Scientific Conference (MOSBRI 2023) conference was the second on-site scientific meeting organised within the MOSBRI project since it was launched in July 2021. The meeting provided a platform for international scientific exchange and showcased the newest developments in molecular-scale biophysics and related areas.

170 participants attended the meeting at the Patio de la Infanta in Zaragoza – Spain organized by BIFI-LACRIMA – Universidad de Zaragoza. The programme covered 8 thematic sessions and included outstanding speakers such as MOSBRI consortium members, TNA beneficiaries, industry representatives and other EU and international scientists who presented their research work. Moreover, 67 posters were displayed, and 16 industrial sponsors presented the attendees with the latest developments in biophysical instrumentation.

As a result of the interest generated by the 1st MOSBRI Scientific Conference at Institut Pasteur in June 2022, this new opportunity to network extensively in person was highly appreciated, notably during the two evening poster sessions and the conference dinner.

The next MOSBRI conference will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia in June 2024.


Biophysics at the molecular scale is the study of the architecture, dynamics and interactions of the molecules of life (proteins, DNA, RNA, polysaccharides, lipids). It is fundamental both for understanding how living things function and for blocking or improving the function of their molecules, especially for therapeutic purposes. Deciphering the complexity of the behavior of biological molecules requires a multidisciplinary approach and the combination of a variety of different biophysical methods.

MOSBRI (Molecular-Scale Biophysics Research Infrastructure, is a European consortium that combines the state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise of 13 academic centers of excellence and 2 companies from 11 countries, including Spain. Coordinated by the Pasteur Institute (Paris, France), and funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program, MOSBRI reduces national barriers to the optimal exploitation of molecular-scale biophysical approaches in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology, and biomaterials. To this end, MOSBRI provides free transnational access to advanced experimental infrastructure in spectroscopy, hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, real-time kinetics, and single molecule approaches to European academic and industrial researchers. It also offers specialized training on these technologies to young researchers.

The University of Zaragoza participates in MOSBRI through the Spanish node BIFI-LACRIMA. The Advanced Laboratory for Molecular CRibration and Interactions of Aragon (LACRIMA) is located at the Institute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI), where numerous drug discovery projects are being developed.

The second MOSBRI scientific conference, organized by Javier Sancho and Adrián Velázquez-Campoy, researchers at BIFI, showed how an integrated network of this nature can address a wide variety of life science research questions. The conference included presentations from MOSBRI partners and members of the Scientific Advisory Board, as well as scientists who have already benefited from the free Transnational Access (TNA) opportunities offered by MOSBRI.

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