BIFI TALK: Ángel Pérez Lara, Universidad de Granada Title: Molecular mechanism of neurotransmitter release machinery Abstract Transmission of information between neurons relies on the [...]
BIFI-TALK: James Krieger. CNB-CSIC, Madrid Title: A Perspective on CryoEM, Heterogeneity and Dynamics Abstract Proteins are dynamic objects that change their shape (conformation) and move around [...]
Title:Challenges and advances in the training of Energy-Based Models: theoretical insights on non-equilibrium sampling and overfitting Abstract In the context of unsupervised learning and [...]
On this occasion, the conference was held at the facilities of the Institute for Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems, in the R&D building of the Río Ebro Campus of the University of [...]
XII Congreso Nacional BIFI 2025 The XII National Conference BIFI 2025, hosted by the Institute for Bio-computation and Physics of Complex Systems of the University of Zaragoza, provides a unique [...]
BIFI TALK: Francisco Ciruela, Pharmacology Unit, Department of Pathology and Experimental Therapeutics, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Institute of Neurosciences, University of [...]
BIFI TALK: Ariadna Pié Porta, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark Title:Oxidases and their Michaels Constant for Oxygen: Relevance and Measurement [...]
Wenjie Mu Centre: Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural (Grupo BIOFLORA)EPSHU Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (España) Position: PhD Student E-mail: [...]
Yana Malymon Centre: Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural (Grupo BIOFLORA) EPSHU Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza (España) Position: PTGAS (lab) [...]